Monday, November 5, 2012

Divided Societies Conference

Last weekend I was able to attend a conference in Maynooth, a little outside Dublin that was based on divided societies and how to handle conflict. It was one of the best experiences that I have had this semester. It was run by the former BCA directer of the Derry program (he's now back at Juniata running their peace program), Jim Skelly. While he is a very impressive figure in the peace community, the conference also consisted of many other lecturers that are actively doing work in the conflict resolution field. It was amazing to be surrounded by people doing what I want to do with my life.

Around thirty students attended the conference and came from programs all over Europe; Germany, Spain, Belgium, France and obviously Ireland and Northern Ireland. I met so many cool people and made really cool new friends throughout the three days I spent with them.

The first half of the conference was held at Maynooth campus and then we were all bused to Derry for the second half. The lectures were about the conflict and the peace process in Israel/Palestine, conflict management in urban spaces, specifically Belfast, and the Northern Ireland peace process happening right now in places like Derry and Belfast. We had the opportunity to talk one on one with the experts and then discuss together among the students about the themes. When we got back to Derry, us people who lived here were able to show everyone else around this awesome city.

One of the coolest things about the conference was the play we were able to experience in Derry called the Theatre of Witness. The actors were real people telling their stories about how they were involved in and affected by "The Troubles" here in Northern Ireland. It was incredibly powerful and moving.

The experience was so amazing; I got to meet so many fun people and learned so much. The best part is that it really underlined the idea in my mind that this is what I want to do with my life. One of the main themes of the conference is that there are so many easy ways that people can get involved and make a difference; and thats what I want to do. I learned so much, met so many interesting people, and surrounded myself with people doing exactly what I want to be doing. Definitely a once in a lifetime experience.

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